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Podcast – Rescuing Injured wildlife In Kenya With Dr Limo

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In this episode, I am excited to talk to Dr. Limo, a veterinarian who works with the Kenya Wildlife Services In partnership with the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. In Kenya, he works with a mobile unit that helps rescue and treat injured wildlife that would likely end in death.

His work is not easy and can be very dangerous for both the animal and the veterinarian team especially with big dangerous animals such as an elephant. Often the elephant must be separated from the herd and darted with a tranquilizer gun.

Most of the wildlife injured is because of humans with spears, snares, and poisoned arrows wounds and time is of the essence to treat these injuries.

With most wildlife species under threat, each life saved provides hope for the species.

Dr limo also talks about the importance of land designated for wildlife such as National parks/Reserves and private conservancies.

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